
About Urban Fantasy Reads

Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance are two of the hottest genres out there.

First and foremost, I’m a personal assistant to authors, mainly urban fantasy authors. I am also an urban fantasy and paranormal romance author, but unpublished as of yet. As I’ve been promoting books for my clients, one of the biggest things I’ve noticed is a lack of promotion for just Urban Fantasy or just Paranormal Romance. Both get classified under Fantasy/Sci-Fi and Fantasy or Romance or Paranormal. Rarely are you given an option to select Urban Fantasy or specific sub-categories for Urban Fantasy.

As a writer, I know marketing to the right audience is important. As a reader, I know that sometimes I’m just looking for specific sub-genres to read.

And it really shocked me how many sites didn’t have urban fantasy as a genre. There is only one site completed dedicated to both fantasy and urban fantasy only. And a handful of sites that have urban fantasy as an option.

So last year I thought, why not create my own?

I found the domain name, reserved it, then got busy with other things, slowly working on it over the past year trying to decide how to do this in the best way possible. And here we are, getting ready to launch for both readers and authors on Aug. 1.

I am always open to suggestions as to how to improve the site and newsletters. Feel free to reach out to me at contactus@urbanfantasyreads.com.

Or visit the website at www.urbanfantasyreads.com.

Urban Fantasy Reads is owned by SpiderWebz Design, LLC.

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